City of West Sacramento
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Specification Standards & Details
If you have questions on whether your project requires an Encroachment permit, you should contact the (insert link for engineering contact information) for a determination.
Connection, Impact and Flood Fees
- Fees 2024 July 1, 2024- Impact Fee
Encroachment Permit Information
- Backflow Assembly Installation Requirements - Encroachment permit and other related information that is needed prior to installation.
- Demolition Requirements - Encroachment permit and other related information that is needed for demolition.
- Encroachment Letter of Credit - Encroachment permit letters of credit are among the deposit options the city accepts prior to issuing an encroachment permit. Cash, check, or bond are other alternatives acceptable to the city.
- Encroachment Permit Bond - Encroachment permit bonds are among the deposit options the city accepts prior to issuing an encroachment permit. Cash, check, or letter off credit are other alternatives acceptable to the city.
- Encroachment Permit Application - Encroachment permit applications are needed any time work is conducted within the city right-of-way (street, gutter, sidewalk, etc.) or when work may cause possible damage to the city right-of-way such as heavy machinery or concrete passing over the sidewalk (driveway installations, pool installations, etc.) Submit application and project documents through
- Encroachment Permit Conditions - Requirements that are to be read by all permittees and are found on the back of each encroachment permit.
- Encroachment Permit General Requirements - An Encroachment Permit must be obtained from the Engineering Division for any work preformed within a public right-of-way..
- Encroachment Permit General Requirements & Process Information - Requirements and other information that will assist applicants with the encroachment permit process
- Encroachment Permit Insurance Forms - Insurance is needed prior to issuance of an encroachment permit. Failing to fully complete the additional insured (3 numbered items within the box) are typical reasons for declining insurance forms, usually leading to delays in permit issuance.
- Landscape Planter Strip Policy
- Plant List
General Notes & Requirements
- Bridge District Onsite Infiltration Design
- City Park General Notes - A list of general notes that must be displayed on all city park plans that are submitted for city approval.
- Civil Site Plan General Notes - A list of required general notes pertaining to all civil site plans which must be displayed on all submitted civil site plans for city approval.
- Improvement Plan Application Requirements
- Subdivision Landscape & Irrigation General Notes - A list of required general notes pertaining to subdivision landscaping and subdivision irrigation that are to be displayed on all submitted subdivision plans for city approval.
- Trenching & Boring General Notes - A list of required general notes pertaining to trenching or boring which must be displayed on all submitted trenching and/or boring plans for City approval
- Water Efficient Landscape Application Package - WELO Requirements
Grading Permit Information
- Grading Permit Application - Grading permit applications are necessary when moving landfill or changing runoff properties of a property or surrounding environment. Submit application and project documents through
- Grading Permit Bond - Grading permit bonds are among the deposit options the City accepts prior to issuing a grading permit. Cash, check, or letter of credit are other alternatives acceptable to the city.
- Grading Permit General Requirements & Other Grading Permit Information - Requirements, initial fees, and other information that will assist applicants with the grading permit process.
- Grading Permit Letter of Credit - Grading permit letters of credit are among the deposit options the city accepts prior to issuing a grading permit. Cash, check or bond are other alternatives acceptable to the city.
Standard Specifications & Details 2002
- 2009 Amendment #1: Standard Details #205 and #206 - Amendment August 2009 Effective 9-12-2009 Standard Details #205 and #206: Driveways with Monolithic or Separated curb, gutter and sidewalk.
- 2010 Amendment # 1 Amendment of Details 208, 209, 242 Addition of 208A, 209A Delete 211 - Amendment August 2010 Effective 9-1-2010
- 2015 Amendment #1: Standard Details #'s 208, 208A, 209, 209A and 210 - Amendment 2015 Effective 7-24-15 modifies details #'s 208, 208A, 209, 209A and 210
- 2015 Amendment of Standard Details 208, 208A, 209, 209A July 28, 2015 - Details 208, 208A, 209, 209A
- 2021 Amendment of Standard Detail #501 - Amendment 2021 Effective 10-13-2021
Division 1 - Design Standards
- Section 1 Purpose and Definitions
- Section 2 General Requirements
- Section 3 Street Design
- Section 4 Storm Drainage
- Section 5 Sanitary Sewers
- Section 6 Water System
- Section 7 Street Lighting
- Section 8 Bus Shelters
Division II Private Development Standards
Division III General Conditions
- Section 1 Definitions & Terms
- Section 2 Scope of Work
- Section 3 Control of Work
- Section 4 Progress and Completion of Work
- Section 5 Legal Relations and Responsibility
- Section 6 Insurance and Liability
- Section 7 Measurement and Payment
- Section 8 Miscellaneous Provisions
Division IV Standard Construction Specifications
- Section 1 Purpose
- Section 2 Testing of Materials
- Section 3 Earthwork
- Section 4 Slope Protection (RIP-RAP)
- Section 5 Engineering Fabrics
- Section 6 Aggregate Subbase
- Section 7 Aggregate Base
- Section 8 Asphalt Concrete
- Section 9 Lime Stabilization
- Section 10 Adjustment of Casting
- Section 11 Concrete Curb, Gutter, Sidewalk and Driveways
- Section 12 Excavations
- Section 13 Storm Drainage
- Section 14 Sanitary Sewers
- Section 15 Water Distribution
- Section 16 Landscaping
- Section 17 Irrigation System
- Section 18 Street Lighting
- Section 19 Bus Shelters
- Section 20 Traffic Stripping, Signing and Pavement Markings
- Section 21 Traffic Signal
- Section 22 Dewatering
Division V Standard Details
- 110 Trench Backfill
- 201 Vertical Curb & Gutter with Sidewalk
- 202 Southport Street Std. For Separated Curb, Gutter & Sidewalk
- 203 Median and Barrier Curb
- 204 Concrete Median
- 205 Driveway w/Curb and Gutter Separate from Sidewalk - Amended August 2009 Effective 9-12-2009
- 206 Driveway w/Curb and Gutter Monolithic to Sidewalk - Amended August 2009 Effective 9-12-2009
- 207 Curb and Gutter Transitions for Drain Inlets
- 208 Parallel Curb Ramp New Construction - Amended July 2015 Effective 7-28-2015
- 208A Parallel Curb Ramp Retrofit - Amended July 2015 Effective 7-28-2015
- 209 Perpendicular Curb Ramp New Construction - Amended July 2015 Effective 7-28-2015. Perpendicular Curb Ramp New Construction
- 209A Perpendicular Curb Ramp Retrofit - Amended July 2015 Effective 7-28-2015
- 210 Curb Ramp Detectable Warning Surface Detail - Amended July 2015 Effective 7-24-2015
- 212 Asphalt Concrete Dike
- 213 Asphalt Concrete Path
- 220 Street Section North Area
- 221 Southport Street Section Residential Street
- 223 Commercial & Industrial Local Cul-De-Sacs & Expanded Corner Southport
- 224 Commercial & Industrial Local Cul-De-Sacs & Expanded Corner Southport
- 225 Commercial & Indus. Cul-De-Sacs & Exp. Corner Collector Southport
- 226 Residential Cul-De-Sacs & Expanded Corner North Area
- 227 Residential Cul-De-Sacs & Expanded Corner Southport
- 228 Rural Road Standard
- 240 Bollard (Removable Only) Single Lock
- 241 Street Barricade
- 242 Sidewalk Barricade - Amendment August 2010 Effective 9-1-2010
- 243 Survey Monument
- 244 Survey Monument Out of Roadway
- 250 Street Sign Assembly Detail
- 251 Sign Post Extension Detail
- 261 Std. Bus Turnout with Separated Sidewalk
- 262 Plan View Bus Shelter
- 263 Front View Bus Shelter
- 264 Right Side View & Bus Shelter Foundation
- 270 Parking Spaces
- 301 Curb Inlet and Catch Basin
- 302 Storm Drain Manhole
- 303 Flat Slab Manhole Top
- 304 Saddle Manhole
- 305 Storm Drain Junction Box
- 306 Storm Drain Marker
- 307 Storm Drain Manhole Outside Paved Area
- 401 Residential Sewer Service w/ Cleanout
- 402 Sewer Flushing Inlet
- 403 Sewer Repair
- 404 Sewer Manhole
- 405 Manhole with Inside Drop Connection
- 406 Manhole with Outside Drop Connection
- 407 Sewer Manhole Outside Paved Area
- 408 Sewer Manhole Abandonment
- 409 Sewer/Water Separation Requirements
- 501 Residential Water Service and Meter Assembly (3/4" to 1")
- 502 Commercial Water Service and Backflow Assembly (3/4" to 2")
- 503 Commercial Water Service and Backflow Assembly (4" and Larger)
- 504 Serv. Lat. & Fire, Backflow Assem. w/ Domestic Tee for Combo Serv.
- 510 1" and 2" Air and Vacuum Release Valve
- 511 2" Blowoff Assembly
- 512 4" Blowoff Assembly
- 513 Typical Valve and Water Main Installation 6" thru 10"
- 514 Typical Valve and Watermain Installation 12" thru 36"
- 515 Fire Hydrant Lateral and Valve Assembly
- 516 Hydrant Marker (Blue Dot) Locations
- 517 Fire Hydrant Bollard Detail
- 518 Thrust Restraint Assembly
- 519 Thrust Block Bearing Area Table
- 520 Valve Abandonment Detail
- 521 Water Service Behind Retaining Wall
- 601 Street Light Service Point
- 602 Standard Street Light
- 603 Post Top Street Light
- 604 Typical Street Light Locations of Arterial Streets
- 605 Intersection Lighting
- 606 Street Light Conduits & Conductors Encasement
- 610 Street Light Numbers
- 611 Voltage Drop Calculation For a Two-Wire System
- 612 Tables For Available Conduit Area and Conductor Size
- 613 Street Light Pole Spacing & Lighting Distribution Guide
- 701 Tree Planting
- 702 Shrub Planting
- 710 Remote Control Valve
- 711 Pop-Up Impact Head
- 712 Pop-Up Sprinkler Head
- 713 Shrub Spray Sprinkler or Bubbler
- 714 Rotary Sprinkler Head
- 715 Quick Coupling Valve w/ Double Swing Joint
- 720 Pedestal Mounted Irrigation Controller
- 721 Wall Mounted Irrigation Controller
- 801 Temporary Drainage Inlet
Stormwater LID and Post-Construction Best Management Practices
- Erosion and Sediment Control BMP's - Fact Sheets for BMP's
- ESCP Worksheet-Application 500SF to 1 AC of Disturbed Soil
- Guide to Storm Water Pollution Prevention - General construction BMP's - Concrete and Paint
- Landscapers Guide to Storm Water Pollution
- Post-Construction Project Worksheet - Worksheet for Regulated Projects
- Post-Construction Small Projects - Stormwater, Storm Water, MS4 Small Project, E.12 Small Project,
- Post-Construction Standard Plan- E-12 Requirements for MS4 Phase II Requirements
- Swimming Pool Guide to Storm Water Pollution Prevention
- Volumetric Sizing Tool- Excel spread Sheet to Calculate BMP Requirements
Utility Studies
- 2001 Southport Drainage Master Plan
- 2003 Southport Sewer Master Plan The sanitary sewer system shown in this Southport Sanitary Sewer Master Plan serves land to be developed in the Southport area of the City of West Sacramento. This April 2003 master plan revises the February 2002 master plan to reflect recent development and Lower Northwest Interceptor (LNWI) decisions. The Southport area includes the land area bounded by the Sacramento River and the Port of Sacramento
- 2003 Wastewater Master Plan
- 2005 Urban Water Management Plan
- 2005 West Sacramento Water Master Plan
- 2010 Urban Water Management Plan
- 2015 Urban Water Management Plan Water Management
- DRAFT 2015 Sanitary Sewer Master Plan Update September 2017- Revised Draft
- DRAFT 2015 Water Master Plan Update December 2016 - Water Master Plan Update
- 2022 Storm Drainage / Storm Water Master Plan - Appendices are available via a shared drive by emailing
- West Sacramento Sewer Master Plan (Appendices Only)